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october 19, 2003

Little George Gets A "Time Out"

Jaws quietly hit the floor in Washington recently as George H.W. Bush gave his treasured 2003 George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service to one of the bigger thorns in his son's side, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA). Georgie Anne Geyer summarizes the situation:

Since the current President Bush veered away from the real war against terrorism in Afghanistan and went adventuring in Iraq, much to his father's dismay, just about everybody close to Washington politics has known of the policy schism between father and son.

Now it's all out. Father Bush has done it in his own preferred nuanced way -- the way Establishment gentlemen operate -- but he has revealed the depth of his disagreement with his impetuously uninformed son.

And I'm sure ratting out a covert CIA operative didn't win any points with dad, either.