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november 12, 2003

Fair And Balanced

Last weekend at the National Conference on Media Reform, Al Franken discussed his new book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, sharing a few anecdotes about right-wing media personalities who seem to be severely honesty-impaired. That Franken is a funny guy!

He ended the discussion with a call to arms for left-leaning types:

When they lie, use it against them. Hold them up to scorn and ridicule. Because what they want us to do is to "SHUT UP"! They want you to shut up! But don't shut up! Don't shut up! Stand up! Stand up and fight! Every one here, stand up and fight!

When I picked up the book I was worried by the title that it might be more mud-slinging than fact-checking, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was excellent! Franken not only effectively takes on the right-wing media, but conservative tactics in general over the least several decades. He discusses the idea of mainstream media bias, and rips the concept of liberal bias to shreds. He also has an excellent section on repeated lies told about Bill Clinton, including the fabrication d'jour, his record on fighting terrorism. And did I mention the book is hilarious? Anyway, a must read!