comments [re: my debate fantasy]

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Electoral College Analysis Update. aka "A New Hope"

I took state by state polling from this site:

I took the 3 most recent polls regardless of date, provided they were not done by either Democratic or Republican pollsters (no Strategic Vision no Hart Research).

I averaged out the candidates numbers.

Secure: 2%+ advantage
Likely: 1%+ advantage

Kerry -> 264 Bush -> 245 Tossup -> 29 (*Colorado split electors?)

Kerry -> 254 Bush -> 218 Tossup -> 66

Battleground States:

Ohio: +0.3% Kerry
Colorado: +0.3% Kerry
Wisconsin: +1.6% Kerry
Florida: +1.7% Bush (much closer than it been appearing)
Iowa: +2% Kerry
Penn: +2% Kerry
Nevada: +2.3% Bush
Maine: +2.7% Kerry
Minn: +3% Kerry
NMex: +4.3% Kerry
NH: +4.4% Kerry

I'd say if Bush didn't piss away Ohio last night it just isn't going to happen!

At this point from now until the election it's a ground war, so we just gotta stay focused and get the vote out like there's no tomorrow. Screw the polls. I know you think I'm nuts, but I've made North Carolina my personal mission, and I'm not taking no for an answer!

Are you sure getting out the vote in Charlotte makes more sense than RDU? The percentage of lefties is much higher in the population here, so getting out votes may be more bang for the buck.

Yea, that's a good point.

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