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october 10, 2003

Digging Up The Fourth Estate

Ex-journalist Randolph T. Holhut takes on one of the enshrined tenets of modern American journalism, objectivity:

The gaping hole in objectivity is that it creates passivity. You accept the official version of events because that's where the bulk of the news comes from. It's safe and easy. Challenge the official version of events and suddenly you find that no one in a position of authority returns your phone calls.

Because the American press is structured to be totally dependent on "official" sources and is totally wedded to the idea of being objective and passive observers to the passing scene, those who are in power end up controlling the news. The failure to report the truth about how the Bush administration was lying the nation into war was just the latest example of how the American press no longer serves the interests of democracy.

I can't decide if this guy is on to something or out to lunch. Intuitively I want to believe that objectivity is something to strive for, but he makes a strong argument. Either way, I'm just glad someone is taking a hard look at our media, because clearly they've dropped the ball.