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october 07, 2004

Flushing The Toilet

Hey! I just remembered I have a blog! Sweet!!!

Anyway, I'm back, and it's about time... I REALLY missed me.

So here's the plan: Over the next couple days I'm going to upgrade the site to the latest version of Movable Type. While I'm at it, I think I'm probably gonna make another dare I say flip flop on the direction the site is going. In retrospect the whole "infringing on other peoples copyrights" thing gets a lot of info on my site, but has kind of made it too easy for me to not write my own thoughts... I need to quit trying to fucking archive the world and just say my piece. Anyway, as I'm sure I've said before this writing thing is pretty hard, and I'm still on the hunt for a writing style that I enjoy reading. So bear with me while I clear the media archive out of my archive and kick around some new ideas.

While I'm at it, I have to figure out what to do about the "comments situation". I have around 3700 comments on the blog, and about 3650 of them are ads for penis-enlargers. I'll see what the new version of MT has to offer, but I may just have to jerk them out and leave comments to the good old fashioned email system.

I'll keep you posted...